Straight from the mouth of the Owner of Rate Tracker:

“ I believe in Small Business, and I believe that Small Business makes America, America.
I also believe in starting out new relationships by giving and working hard for our clients.
Introducing Rate Tracker’s Free Point-of-Sale Program!
We’re investing in Small Businesses, and here’s what we’re offering:
1) Eliminate your Payment Processing Fees
2) Get a Free Point-of-Sale System
3) Local service from a local company
^^having these 3 things will help take your Small Business to new levels, and we want to help you GROW.”*free%20point%20of%20sale*jpg?alt=media&token=20a485bf-0bd1-4337-97e3-daed52ff5e9a

If you're interested, there's no contract and zero out-of-pocket upfront cost.
Head back to the homepage and fill out the form to be contacted!